Early Edition (1996-2000) #TBT


Tomorrow’s newspaper tells me the 10th addition to #ThrowBackThursday will be on Early Edition. You’re getting tomorrow’s feature today!

Can I just say “finally”? When I created the list for #TBT, Early Edition was one of the first shows I added, as it’s one of my personal favorite shows to watch as a kid…live action, that is. In terms of nostalgia, this show was and still is fantastic – I just wish it stayed on longer than it ultimately did. Interestingly enough, it took them forever to release this show on DVD, and they never even finished releasing them. The first two seasons can be found on DVD, but the rest are somewhere over the rainbow. It was one of the highest requested shows to be put on DVD on an older website I used to be a part of – so I was glad to see it finally come forth. I’m still not sure why they never released the rest of the series. I’m sure it had something to do with money…but I mean…come on. I can happily say because this show has repeated episodes on the Hallmark Channel, I’ve been able to rewatch the whole series more than once.

What is Early Edition, Dave? Well, I’ll tell ya. Early Edition was ultimately about this guy that received a newspaper on his doorstep every morning. Which would normally be a normal occurance. However, it was the next day’s newspaper. So instead of winning millions every day with the lottery, this guy looked at robberies and fires and used the newspaper to save lives because he’s a genuinely good guy who is willing to risk his life to save others…I mean…the newspaper chose him, ya know?

It’s not really that hard to realize why I was such a big fan of this show as a kid. It makes sense. In a weird way, this is a different, but welcomed superhero. This hero doesn’t have superpowers, but there is a supernatural force and a hero complex surrounding the main character. He even has sidekicks…sort of. It’s somewhere in between what we accept as heroes in the real world and what we enjoy watching from heroes in the movies. It was also unique and original. I still have yet to see any movie or TV show use anything similar to this.

I don’t think anyone really remembers this show but die hard fans, but the fact of the nature is…this show has a fanbase and a small cult following. In fact, you’d be surprised to find out that this little show actually has conventions. Conventions where actors from the show come and answer questions and have gone as far as reinacting  some scenes. What I wouldn’t give to be a part of that. You may or may not agree with me on the show, but there is a solid reason as to why people like it. The characters I loveable, the stories are loveable, and you watch them grow together as a family.

This was a show that anyone could watch, and it is something that still works today – if you can get around to watching some episodes, go for it. Hopefully, you’ll see how great it is, and how much people should have given it a chance. For a while, enough people gave it a chance, because it was on for five years…but at the same time, people have forgotten about its existance. Like I said, the first two seasons are available to purchase. You should at LEAST get those, and look for later season episodes on the Hallmark Channel. That is, if they are still offering them.

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