#FinaleFriday – Review (2015)


It’s time for another #FinaleFriday, this time with another show I didn’t review the premiere for…because that was before this website’s time. What can I say, it’s still a little young. Anyways, last night was the second season finale of Review, a show about a guy that doesn’t review books, music, or movies…but instead….life itself. It airs on Comedy Central, and the entire reason I started watching this show in the first place was because like Forest McNeil, I too am a “reviewer” – as he likes to call himself. I’m just a normal critic while he’s more out-of-the-box and will review anything his viewers ask him to, and in this season…even the age old question – what’s it like to kill someone? 

The second season sort of takes place right after the first, because believe it or not, this show has story and seasonal arcs that develop episode by episode, ultimately cultivating in the finale. After all, he is reviewing life. So those particular things that he reviews affect his everyday life, including the divorce of his wife in the first season. His relationship with his ex-wife is explored more in this season, as well as his relationship with several new girlfriends and even work relationships that he can’t seem to stop ruining. The finale itself dealt with conspiracies, up to the point where Forest and his producer head off face-to-face on a really tall bridge before *spoiler alert* plummeting into the waters below. Where by the end of the episode, they are both missing, creating a cliffhanger…but also creating a comedic end to the series if it comes to that.

When I first saw this show, I was gullible enough into thinking this guy might actually just be an idiot that takes fan-submissions to review, no matter the cost. That was easier to believe in the first episode, because it was something more innocent, like eating several pancakes…but once I saw actors that I recognized, I felt dumb. That being said, after showing this to friends of mine, they too have asked out of disbelief if the show was real. It’s kind of sad, but it’s not too far-fetched to believe people would do exactly what Forest does on the show. Just look at Jackass, a show devoted to being an idiot for entertainment…and that’s real. Sad, but real. I was partially gullible because the concept isn’t horrible…if you’re already use to reviewing things on a daily basis, you’d understand that you really can review anything in the same matter. So the concept wasn’t too shabby.

The finale itself was pretty good, leading into what I assume to be a third season. The way they did it was actually smart in my opinion, as it could easily turn that ending into a series finale because…why not? If you haven’t seen Review, it’s actually pretty funny…even though it’s more of a catch it if you have time show…it doesn’t disappoint. If you have cable, it’s on Comedy Central either online or On Demand. Check it out!

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