You, Me and the Apocalypse – Season 1 (2015)


Dave’s 3-Word Review:
I feel finnneee.

Wait a second, whatever happened to the title of You, Me and the End of the World? It’s not a big deal, but I always liked that title better than the revamped Apocalypse title. My guess is that it had something to do with a couple things – first of all, Seeking a Friend for the End of the World, or even the recent british comedy The World’s End. I’m sure they wanted to change things up by introducing an “Apocalypse” title. Anyways, it’s hilarious…the end of the world…or so it would seem given the countless comedic films and tv shows covering the end times…so why should you pick this show out of any of the others? Well, to answer tht, let’s talk about the show.

Beyond the generic idea that its’ the end of the world, this show is about a very diverse group of characters, through different nations, ethnicities, and even sense of morals. There are saints, sinners, regular business men, and a few hackers strewn about, and the show covers who they are before they’re given the terrible news that the world is about to end in a month’s time. So it switches back and forth to the day the meteor will hit and five weeks prior to lead that way.

Initial Verdict: One More to Make Sure.
Exaplantion: I like practically and post-apocalyptic, or I supposed presently-apocalyptic series, including this show…which seems to hold quite a bit of promise. I was a little worried when the series started because – as with any british comedy – you never know if it’ll be great or not so much. I seem to have a problem sometimes with the dry…or you might consider rich comedic stylings that the Brits have over there. The beginning of the show seemed to have quite a bit of that, and I didn’t really care for it at first, but once it started introducing more and more characters, I started to appreciate it a lot more. By the end of the episode, all I know was that I wanted to see more…which has to be a good thing, right?

Anyways, what I’m mostly expecting to find out of this show is more or less a lot of different styles of humor, from obviously the diverse cast. Beyond that, I actually expect to see a lot of cameos, because if I wasn’t mistaken, I think I did see or read something about cast members in this show. If it is indeed a short series, then they have a lot more freedom with that type of thing. However, I hear they are making this…an NBC show as well? Indeed, this show is slated to air on our local NBC airwaves sometime in spring of 2016…yet the language and content matter of this show is hardly local network appropriate. You’d expect to find this on…HBO or Showtime or something from the content alone…so we’ll see how much they edit out by the time it comes on over here.

If you have the ability, go ahead and check out this show. It’s interesting enough, but if you can’t yet…just wait until next year when you can watch the watered down version for free! I’ll be back next week with a final verdict. Peace out!

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