The Grinder – Season 1 (2015)


Dave’s 3-Word Review:
I’ll allow it.

Among the truckload of brand new shows, most of which are procedural cop dramas, there are a few select sitcoms that looked interesting to me. Now, I am a pretty big fan of sitcoms, law stuff in general, and even Rob Lowe, so it would be safe to assume The Grinder would fit right in with what I might like.  Besides, there aren’t many sitcoms revolved around legal matters, but there really should be. People make fun of lawyers all the time, don’t they? So if you mix the intensity some court cases have with light, fun humor – you get The Grinder. But in the end, all that matters is if you like it or not? So did you?

The Grinder is essentially about The Grinder, an incredibly famous and popular long-running TV legal drama – and it has just had its series finale. Dean (Rob Lowe) played the Grinder, but he hasn’t quite gotten out-of-character yet. As it happens, he has an entire family of lawers, or more specifically speaking, his younger brother is actively the working lawyer of the family. Well as it happens, his younger brother is a really nervous and shy lawyer that doesn’t know how to speak in front of a judge. Enter Dean with no real legal background or degree – to save the day. He walks into the courtroom to solve the case as a lawyer, even though this should be highly illegal. Oh well, says everyone, including the judge. We all love his character on TV.

Final Verdict: Watch It.
Explanation: I’ve actually been somewhat impressed with the sitcoms this year. Usually speaking, sitcoms need a lot of help and some are downright horrible, but the sitcoms I’ve seen this season, for the most part, are actually…good. It’ll probably be repetetive and more or less the same thing every episode, but it’s a sitcom…which should be fine. At least for the first few seasons. As long as you like the characters and actors, you’re golden, and the three main male leads in the show – you are familiar with…or at least you should be. Rob Lowe, William Devane, and Fred Savage…I mean…how can you go wrong with a cast like that?

As I’ve mentioned before, I Iike legal shows. If they are done right, you can really get a kick out of the cases, and the same applies here. It’s a little silly in regards to the people willing to look past the fact that he’s not really a lawyer, but still. I went and got my own degree in Criminal Justice and own practically every book by John Grisham even, so as far as the subject matter, I think I may be a little bias…but I truly believe we need more sitcoms about the law. Too many shows take it super seriously, even the reality crap like Judge Judy. We need light-hearted comedy sometimes, and this show offers that.

Do I think it’ll last very long? I have an inkling that no, it probably won’t last forever, but I wish people will give it a fighting chance and check it out. It’s on FOX, so you can find it on their website or as always, on Hulu Plus. Check it out and let me know what you think of it!

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