Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. – Season 3 (2015)


Dave’s 3-Word Review:
Inhumans vs. ATCU

Back in the day, you know…a couple years ago, Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. did something that no other show before it did, it connected a massive and hugely popular film series with a Network TV show. Then the two ran simultaneously, synced up to each other, so timing had to be absolutely precise. That was a smart, smart move. The show itself was a little slow when it started up, like most Joss Whedon shows. I wasn’t the biggest fan of the characters or how the show decided to work, but I couldn’t not watch it either. It served as a really long prequel to the next MCU film…which basically turns into an obligation to just…watch. Eventually, the show really got the footing it was going for, and soon became something really fun and exciting to watch…so what is the third season about, you ask?

The third season of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. revolves around the agents fighting against another team of soldiers that are kidnapping inhumans to…test them, I guess. So they are basically at war with one another. The first episode focused on one particular inhuman that can melt things at a single touch…and the soldiers are angry about SHIELD taking him away from them. Meanwhile, Fitz is going crazy about finding Simmons, who was swallowed whole by that weird alien monolith thing last season.

Final Verdict: Watch it.
Explanation: This show is getting pretty intense just in general. I’ve stopped watching it for the movie universe’s sake and started watching it just for the show itself…because it’s actually really good. The subtle shoutouts to certain movies – like in the premiere, they mentioned Ant Man, are always fun…but not completely necessary, either. Now…now…I could reallly do without the whole “Daisy” name for Skye. I get it, that’s her real name, but Skye simply fits her better. It’s a more unique and mature sounding name than the innocent flowery name of “Daisy”. Hey, maybe it’s just me, but I think that specific change was stupid.

Not stupid enough to cancel watching the show though, because the show rocks. The season promises to be something great, and even standing against all the new shows now, this one is still really good and I see it continuing for…essentially…however long the MCU will last. Then again, you can only keep a show on for however long people will keep watching, so watch it people! It’s obviously available to watch on ABC Go, or Hulu Plus, whatever floats your boat. Watch it, and tell me what you think of it below! Peace!

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