The Last Man on Earth – Season 2 (2015)


Dave’s 3-Word Review:
Not the last.

When I first heard about The Last Man on Earth, I made a couple predictions that turned out to be true, the main one being – no he’s not…meaning the last man on Earth. I knew at some point he would meet another person, and he eventually met a woman, and then another woman, and then another man, and then another man. I never thought he’d meet so many people, but there you have it. I loved the characters though…they were all wacky and perfect for the series – until Phil was kicked out of the gang, effectively making him the last man on earth again…well…sort of. Carol joined him in his expolsion of the group, which is where we last left them.

This season starts off with Phil and Carol on the road. Phil, driving his brand new stealth jet like a car and Carol doing the same thing she typically does as well. They are basically looking for a  new home after being expelled from Tucson. They tried many famous homes, including the White House itself, but nothing felt like home for Carol…not even the home she grew up in…she dreamed of the family and friends they left in Tucson. At the end of the episode, Phil accidentally leaves Carol alone at a gas station, and when he tries to find her – he can’t. Meanwhile, his astronaut brother is slowly starting to decide to make a landing on Earth…or so I think.

Final Verdict: Watch It.
Explanation: Can I just say…thank you for growing your beard out again…it looks much better that way for your character’s sake. Other than that, the show is still going strong. It has some obvious issues with graphics that I’m sure it doesn’t really care about, but the comedy in the show is still pretty golden. They even introduced a few mysteries and questions by episode’s end…all I have to say is – it’s still going strong. I’m also really impressed by the cast this show kees getting. No, it’s not A-Class actors, but they are all known…at least a little bit. Now we have Jason Sudekis? Nowadays, he is an A-Class actor.

I really wished they would have stayed in the White House, but I guess that would be really difficult for a, probably, cheap sitcom. You can easily make a room look like the oval office, but if the show took place in that house, they’d need to recreate a lot of the rooms, which I’m sure would get old and expensive for them. So in the end, I get it. I just wanted a little more of it, you know what I mean. Also, they just spoke about the different places they tried living – but we didn’t get any glimpse of it…so just a few annoyances, I still love the show though. I hope this season lasts longer than last season.

Anyways – it’s another sitcom, which means it’s another short article. Check this one out, guys. You’ll find it impressive, unique, and funny. Tell me what you think below!

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