Once Upon a Time – Season 5 (2015)


Dave’s 3-Word Review:
Who’s the hero?

They say confession is good for the soul, so I have a confession to make…I never finished last season of Once Upon a Time, and I’ll tell you why. Apart from being busy working, moving, preparing for a baby, etc – the show just lost my interest. In fact, the main reason that I was okay not watching was because in the last half of the season, the show introduced a trio of villainous ladies – Cruella DeVille, Ursula, and Malificent. 1 – didn’t like the actresses portraying the characters, 2 – didn’t like how they were visually presented all that much, and 3 – they were annoying. Something about them put me off of the show and I found myself bored whenever they showed up…so I had to read a few recaps to catch myself up…and I’m a little disappointed I didn’t finish the season, because that sounded amazing. So what’s season 5 all about?

Emma has taken on the dark one’s darkness. What was once in Rumplestilskin’s heart is now in Emma’s, but she won’t let it take her whole…or will she? As the season begins, her friends and family fight to find her in order to stop her from killing the chick in the movie Brave. The whole idea is to go into Camelot to find Merlin to take out that darkness, but once they get to Camelot, their minds are erased and they find themselves back in Storybrooke six weeks later where Emma is flipping evil, man. Evil!

Final Verdict: Watch it.
Explanation: Talk about a season opener, this makes you wonder how the season and ultimately series will go. That darkness that makes her the dark one is not an easy thing to get rid of or even kill. Obviously when they released it from Rumple, it ended up with her anyway. It has to go somewhere…or does it? Regardless, you now have a show where the main hero is now the main villain and I guess the original main villain is now the main hero? I don’t know, things are a bit topsy turvy here. We also have a new character – the chick from the pixar movie Brave.

I didn’t really like that movie, but I’ll probably like watching the live-action version of the character in this show…man…this show is like going to Disney Land, but instead of the characters taking pictures with you and hugging you…they try to kill you! As much as it was interesting having the last season be the “Frozen” season with Elsa, Anna and the rest of the gang – it seemed like way too much advertisement for that one movie…seriously. They can be good for side characters, but when you make the entire show about them – you can smell the money being spent towards that movie. 

Anyways, if you haven’t guessed yet, I like this show. Yes, it is impossible to start watching the show from this point, but you really shouldn’t do that in the first place. Once Upon a Time is a show well worth the watch. So check it out! 

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