Brooklyn Nine-Nine – Season 3 (2015)


Dave’s 3-Word Review:
Screw the rules.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine is a show that sort of – changed the rules for typical prime time sitcoms. It made a police station the setting of a comedy. I’m not saying this is the first time that’s ever happened, but it’s certainly not common, and anything that’s not common nowadays is pretty much a blessing. Not only that, but many people actually think this specific show is one of the, if not the funniest shows on television. As far as Andy Samberg goes, I have to agree. I was sad to see him leave Saturday Night Live, and I miss seeing his SNL Original Shorts, but you could almost see this show as an original short – but every week. It’s hilarious.

This show is more or less self-explanatory. It’s a sitcom in a police station and practically every single character on the show is just a really colorful and hilarious-in-their-own-way character.The comedy is a mixture between completely bonkers silly humor and some self-aware humor, as I like to call it, as well. That’s basically the type of comedy where you point at the TV screen and say, “yep. yep. It’s funny because it’s true” moments. Those two styles of comedy work really well for this show, maintaining it’s level of humor.

Final Verdict: Watch It.
It’s not hard to understand why this show is so funny. As I mentioned above, it displays a few different forms of comedy that anyone can enjoy while exploring some depth to characters that you surely love. This season took a very big risk in doing what ultimately The Office did in it’s later seasons – it got rid of “the boss”. However, he’s still in the show, the team just now has an altogether new captain. That splits up the solid chemistry the entire group tended to have episode after episode and forces its fans to accept a new captain. Yes, that means getting another character with another sense of humor – but the real question is….will that fit with the overall “feel” of the show that it’s held for two years, or will it make fans think the show has “jumped the shark”?

I think jumping the shark is strong words, and requires something big to happen in a way that the show can never return from – and Brooklyn Nine-Nine hasn’t done that…yet. New captain or not, the entire cast is still in the show and constantly bringing tears of joy to our faces as we cannot stop laughing. You want to know what would really make the show jump the shark? If they got rid of Andy Samberg. That happens and the fans will stop watching, you can mark my words on that account. 

So anyways, this show is still going strong. The writers clearly still have the spirit and life force this show needs to succeed, so I recommend you check it out when you can. You can watch it, of course, on FOX’s website or on Hulu Plus. As always, tell me what you think of it below!

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